Monday, March 24th

all confirmed


09:00 to 10h30:

Centro Cultural São Paulo – CCSP

      Address: Rua Vergueiro, 1000. Estação Vergueiro do Metrô.

      Room: Sala de Debates II – Espaço Técnico do CCSP


Short presentation on the development of the city with maps and plans to explain the main geographic shifts: the 3 centralities with emphasis on the Paulista Axis. Day visit to old city center and a visit to the city hall tower. Lunch and snacks in the city.


Public Transportation: subway and walk.

Be aware of the station to get in and off and the schedule to meet the group if you get behind or if you are late.




1. From Vergueiro Station (CCSP) to São Bento Station (City Center)

Estimated Time: 3hours (from 11 to 2 pm)

·   11:00 pm - Banespa Tower: panoramic view of old city center and Centro   Cultural Banco do Brasil

·    12:30 pm - LUNCH around (option 1):

  Quilo Restaurant at the Stock Exchange area (BOVESPA)

  Rua Quinze de Novembro

·   Rua Santa Efigênia, Edifício Prestes Maia, Viaduto do Chá, Vale do Anhangabaú, Teatro Municipal.

·    LUNCH around 1:30 pm (option 2):

     NUTRISON (Vegeterian Restaurant)

     Tel: 3211 8095

     Viaduto 9 de Julho 160

     (perto da Estação Anhangabaú)


2. From Estação República to Estação da Luz

Estimated Time: 4 hours (from 2:30 to 6:30pm)

·    2:30 pm - Estação da Luz

·    2:45 pm - Pinacoteca do Estado:

a) Renovation project by the architect Paulo Mendes da Rocha: An Urban Shift. Guided tour.

b) Presentation Gilberto Mariotti, Nestor Gutierrez and Santiago Reys: a project related to Monumento Ramos de Azevedo.

·    4:30 pm - Sala São Paulo – Guided tour with Rodolfo Yamamoto Neves.

·    5:30 pm - Estação Pinacoteca


3. 6:30 pm - Return to Paulista Ave. by subway. Take the subway at Estação Luz.