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PARALELO // technology and environment

International meeting of artists, designers and researchers

March 29 to April 2, 2009
MIS (Museu da Imagem e do Som) e CCSP (Centro Cultural São Paulo)
São Paulo, Brazil

Paralelo brings together artists and designers working with media from three different countries - Brazil, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, to discuss different ways in which collaborations across disciplinary and cultural borders can enable research and new insights into global and local issues in social ecologies, embracing many fields in the sciences and arts. There are urgent emerging issues needing debate at a moment of great critical concern in the world, and opportunities such as this for intensive exchange, debate and discussion is fundamental for the UK, the Netherlands and Brazil.
The teamwork across artistic, design, scientific and technological borders that is increasingly a key part of the cultural canvas of the 21st century aims to bring about innovative visions  and lead to new knowledge. But how are such investigations supported in different countries and what can we learn from consideration of models of exchange and intercultural dialogue?  This is the principle question we will address.

Paralelo is the first event promoted by the British Council under the umbrella of its International Networking for Young Scientists programme to bring together researchers in both the sciences and the arts.  The event is supported and organized by the British Council, in partnership with the Museum of Image and Sound in São Paulo.  with support from the Centro Cultural São Paulo and the Forum Permanente, the Mondriaan Foundation and the Virtueel Platform in the Netherlands and the Arts & Humanities Research Council in the UK, with additional support from the British Embassy in Brazil, the IICE at Goldsmiths College, London, and IDE at the Royal College of Art in London. 

While some of the work will be in closed sessions, Paralelo also includes a wide range of events for the public.  Many of the results will be published in both electronic and paper form and we hope that the event is just the start of an intensive process of interchange between those involved.


Online coverage of the event by Fórum Permanente: Museus de Arte, entre o público e o privado:

Realization: British Council and Museu da Imagem e do Som de São Paulo

Co-realization: Mondriaan Foundation and Arts and Humanities Research Council

Support:  Centro Cultural São Paulo, Goldsmiths College, Royal College of Arts, Virtueel Platform, Embaixada Britânica and Fórum Permanente: Museus de Arte, entre o público e o privado