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Tomas Saraceno

(Argentina, 1973; lives and works in Frankfurt)

Tomas Saraceno was trained as an architect, but his utopian ideas brought him naturally into the realm of art. Saraceno dreams of a world in which people no longer need passports and since this cannot as yet be realized on the ground he is looking to the sky. He is now working with a team of architects, artists and technicians on large balloon constructions which are meant to enable the free movement of people and goods across the whole planet. But as architect he also tackles the problems that go with overpopulation and poverty, having designed a flying hospital for Africa, for example. Saraceno has carried out projects with his balloons in several places in the world, often in collaboration with the local inhabitants.

Sonsbeek 2008 offered him the opportunity to carry out an important experiment: the construction of a Flying Green House. The greenhouse consists of a ‘cloud’ of 32 helium-filled, transparent balloons, one large one with 31 smaller ones around it, held together by a special net. Plants are growing in the large balloon, while the smaller ones ensure that the temperature remains constant. The Flying Green House has a diameter totaling 10 metres and hangs between the trees in Sonsbeek Park. Visitors can climb a ladder to take a look at this 21st century dream.

For the Procession a large flying balloon construction was held fast by the Guild of Children of Architects.