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CAPACETE Kickstarter launched this week!

CAPACETE launches Kickstarter campaign for two Brazilian artists to participate in the 2016 Capacete Artistic and Educational Program 2016! Check out our campaign video and all information on how to donate and receive rewards!
CAPACETE Kickstarter launched this week!

New CAPACETE participants curator Marilia Loureiro and artist Caetano Carvalho

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Queridos amigos,

Esta semana começou a campanha do CAPACETE no Kickstarter em parceria com a ART BASEL com a meta de arrecadar fundos para 2 novos participantes brasileiros do programa 2016.

Nossa meta é conseguir USD 20.000 como financiamento para dois novos residentes brasileiros: o artista Caetano Carvalho e curadora Marília Loureiro. A campanha vai ao ar por 1 mês no esquema "tudo ou nada": sem atingir a meta não conseguiremos o montante das doações!

Apoie a nossa campanha e em troca receba algumas recompensas surpreendentes! Você também pode nos ajudar a viralizar nosso vídeo entre os seus amigos e contatos, assista aqui: CAPACETE ON KICKSTARTER!

Muito obrigado por sua atenção!

Dear Friends, 

This week CAPACETE launched a Kickstarter campaign in partnership with ART BASEL to fundraise two new Brazilian participants in the 2016 program.

We are reaching out to the CAPACETE community as we are about to launch our 2016 program and am hoping that you can support us. Our goal is to raise USD 20.000 to finance two new Brazilian residents: the artist Caetano Carvalho and curator Marilia Loureiro. The campaign will be online for 1 month in an all-or-nothing model: if we don't reach our goal we will not get the sum of the donations! 

Please help us by backing our campaign and receive some of the amazing rewards! You can also help us by spreading the word amongst your friends and contacts, watch here:

Thank you for your attention!

Art Basel's independent jury has selected this project. Check out their curated page to learn about other great cultural projects.