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referência bibliográfica para as discussões do fórum

ADORNO, Theodor W., Museo Valéry-Proust, IN Adorno, T.W. La Crítica de la Cultura y la Sociedad, Barcelona, Ariel, 1962, pp 187-201.

BASBAUM, Ricardo. Arte Contemporânea Brasileira, texturas, dicções, ficções, estratégias, Rio de Janeiro, Rios Ambiciosos, 2001.

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BAUDRILLARD, J., The System of Collecting, IN Elsner, J. & Cardinal, R., The Cultures of Collecting, Cambridge Mass., Harvard University Press, 1994, pp 7-24.

BENJAMIN, Walter, A Obra de Arte na Época de sua Reprodutibilidade Técnica IN Benjamin, Obras Escolhidas, São Paulo, Brasiliense, 1987.

BENJAMIN, Walter, Sobre o Conceito de História, IN BENJAMIN, W. Obras Escolhidas, S. Paulo, Brasiliense, 1985.

BENNETT, Tony, The Birth of The Museum, London, Routledge, 1995.

BITTENCOURT, Lúcio Nagib. As Organizações Sociais e as ações governamentais em cultura: ação e política pública no caso do Estado de São Paulo. Tese (Doutorado em Administração Pública e Governo), Escola de Administração de Empresas de São Paulo, FGV-SP, São Paulo, 2014.

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BOURDIEU, Pierre & DARBEL, Alain. O Amor pela Arte São Paulo, EDUSP e Ed. Zouk, 2003.

BUCHLOH, Benjamin H. D. From the Aesthetics of Administration to Institutional Critique (some aspects of Conceptual Art 1962-1969) In L’Art Conceptuel, une perspective Musée d’Art Moderne de la ville de Paris, 1989.

BYVANCK, Valentijn Conventions in Contemporary Art; lectures and debates, Rotterdam, Witte de With, 2001.

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CIMET, Esther (org.) El Publico como propuesta: quatro estudios sociologicos en museos de arte, Mexico, INBA, 1987.

CRIMP, Douglas, On the Museum's Ruins, Cambridge, MIT, 1993.

ELSNER, J. & CARDINAL, R. The Cultures of Collecting, Cambridge Mass., Harvard University Press, 1994.

FOSTER, Hal. The Archive without Museums IN October Magazine 77 (Summer 1996) pp 97-119.

FOSTER, Hal. Recodificação; Arte, Espetáculo, Política Cultural, São Paulo, Casa Editorial Paulista, 1996.

FOSTER, Hal. Design and Crime (and other diatribes), London, Vergo, 2002.

FOUCAULT, M. Isto não é um Cachimbo, São Paulo, Paz e Terra, 1989.

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FRAZER, Ward, The Haunted Museum: Institutional Critique and Publicity, October Magazine 73 (1995), pp 71-89.

GREENBERG, R. at al. (ed), Thinking about exhibitions, London, Routledge, 1996.

GREENHALGH, Paul, Education, Entertainment and Politics, Lessons from the Great International Exhibitions IN VERGO, P. New Museology, London, Reaktion, 1989, pp 74-98.

GROSSMANN, Martin O Anti-Museu IN Revista Comunicações e Artes,  Ano 15, nº24, 1991, pp 5-20.

GROSSMANN, Martin, O Hipermuseu; a arte em outras dimensões, Livre-Docência, ECA-USP, São Paulo, 2001.

GROSSMANN, Martin, Museum Imaging, modelling Modernity, Tese de Doutorado, School of Architecture, University of Liverpool, 1993.

HAACKE, Hans, Museums, Managers of Consciousness, IN Art in America, February 1984, p. 17.

HANNULA, Mika (ed.) Stopping the Process? Contemporary Views on Art and Exhibitions, Helsinki, The Nordic Institute for Contemporary Art, 1998.

HOOPER-GREENHILL, Eilean, Museums and the Shaping of Knowledge, London, Routledge, 1992.

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HORNE,  D. The Great Museum, London, Pluto, 1984.

IMPEY, O. et al The Origin of Museums, Oxford, Clarendon, 1986.

KITTLER, Friederich, Museums on the Digital Frontier, IN Anais Symposium "The End(s) of the Museum", Barcelona, Fundació Antoni Tàpies, 1996, pp 67-80.

KÖB, Edelbert (ed.) Museum Architecture, texts and projects by artists, Köln, Walther König, 2000.

KRAVAGNA, Christian (ed.) The Museum as Arena; institution-critical statements by artists, Köln, Walther König, 2001.

LEVIN, M.D. The Modern Museum: Temple or Showroom?, Tel Aviv., Dvir, 1983.

MALRAUX, A. Le Musée Imaginaire Paris, Gallimard,1965.

McLUHAN, M. The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man, London, Routledge, 1962.

O'DOHERTY, B. No Interior do Cubo Branco, a ideologia do espaço da arte, São Paulo, Martin Fontes, 2002.

PEDROSA, Mário (1900-1981) Política das Artes, (organização e apresentação de Otília Betariz Fiori Arantes), São Paulo, EDUSP, 1995.

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SCHAFFNER, Ingrid & WINZEN, Matthias, Deep Storage: Collecting, Storing, and Archiving in Art, New York: Prestel-Verlag, 1998.

SERROTA, Nicholas Experience or Interpretation; the dilema of museums of modern art. London, Thames & Hudson, 2000.

SHERMAN, Daniel & ROGOFF, Irit (ed) Museum Culture: Histories, Discourses, Spectacles. Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 1994.

STANLEY, N. & COLE, Ian Beyond the Museum; Art, Institutions, People, (Museum of Modern Art Papers, Volume 4), Oxford, Museum of Modern Art, 2000.

VERGO, P. New Museology, London, Reaktion, 1989.

WADE, Gavin (ed.) Curating in the 21st Century, Walsall, The New Art Gallery & University of Wolverhampton, 2000.